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  • Comments on Profile Post by AmazingFireGirl

    1. VaMeSa123
      Yeah. Just gave some warnings point for rate abused :P
      Oct 11, 2014
    2. AmazingFireGirl
      :p I didn't start anything till the next day
      Oct 11, 2014
    3. VaMeSa123
      :P After my parents are awake, I will start to play in game, start my ban log, and everything will settle down more. Lots to learn, before I start tho. Let hope I don't mess up
      Oct 11, 2014
    4. AmazingFireGirl
      dont worry if you mess up even the best make mistakes trust me i already made plenty
      Oct 11, 2014
    5. VaMeSa123
      I Will try my best. Thank you. I feel more comforable :)
      Oct 11, 2014
    6. AmazingFireGirl
      np don't worry it will get easy take it easy on the first couple of days start when you want and you can start your ban log now the start of the thread post doesnt count just copy and paste the ban log template as your thread so when I go into my ban log I can copy the template from the start of the ban log then going in that thread copying going in ban log etc
      Oct 11, 2014
    7. VaMeSa123
      Alright I will do that right now. Thank you for the tip :)
      Oct 11, 2014
    8. AmazingFireGirl
      np and that took a lot to type
      Oct 11, 2014