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  • Comments on Profile Post by UncleUrnesto

    1. UncleUrnesto
      Just stop the hate, its getting annoying and you all are being mean and non supportive to him. Who cares if he has the most negative ratings on the forums? What if Cyp/Noobcrew did? Would you treat them the same way you guys are treating him.
      Oct 6, 2014
    2. UncleUrnesto
      This is called Cyberbullying and its not right, just stop. If you don't have anything nice to say on his profile DON'T SAY IT AT ALL.
      Oct 6, 2014
    3. Spice
      omfg this made my day lmfaoooooooooo
      Oct 6, 2014
    4. BO$$
      It's amazing what people say to each other over the web. Would you say the same thing face to face though? Probably not.
      Oct 8, 2014
    5. BlueL1ghtn1ng
      dont really hate him much, but behind a screen I feel more calm because its where I can really handle bullies without something deep in my mind giving the urge to start going stabbymcpunchy
      Oct 9, 2014
    6. onesquad
      #JustSawThis - Thanks :)
      Nov 1, 2014