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  • Comments on Profile Post by SmokeSkillz

    1. PiLe
      Guess you'll have to know my alt now. (troll face) :)
      Oct 4, 2014
    2. SmokeSkillz
      Wut Is It!?!? :0
      Oct 4, 2014
    3. PiLe
      I'll pm you in game after I rek you. :3
      Oct 4, 2014
    4. SmokeSkillz
      I'm Banned by mineterria ATM :(.. I was using a keybind mod which enabled me to press [Backspace] to type /tpaccept. He says that he does key binding with his Razer mouse too but he says 'modded clients' aren't allowed but optifine... I want to rek u soo bad butt eye am w8ing 4 his response on my appeal D*:
      Oct 4, 2014