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  • Comments on Profile Post by Mineterria

    1. pastyG
      Not any more ; ). I've had some practice. I just did not see the point in fighting someone in proIV armour with a sharp V sword when I only had pro II and sharp IV. That didn't make sense to me. What I'm here to give you my stuff? No I am a taker not a giver. Oh and if I am being attacked by more than one player I will try to inflict as much damage as I can and then run away.
      Mar 7, 2014
    2. pastyG
      I have lots of pro IV sharp V now so bring it.
      Mar 7, 2014
    3. Mineterria
      Mar 7, 2014
    4. TENSION
      pastyg, long time no see bud. :)
      May 30, 2015