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  • Comments on Profile Post by D1amondF1nder11

    1. jarroy
      Which one? Ebola? Don't worry, we'll be okay. It'll pass soon :)
      Oct 2, 2014
    2. D1amondF1nder11
      yea that one... I'm looking on Google news like every 5 mins because an outbreak happened close to wear it live...
      Oct 2, 2014
    3. jarroy
      It's ok. It probably wasn't an outbreak, just one or two got it, and they're probably quarantined. As along as you avoid sick people and always wash your hands :p
      Oct 2, 2014
    4. D1amondF1nder11
      check google news more people have it now
      Oct 2, 2014
    5. jarroy
      Oct 2, 2014
    6. D1amondF1nder11
      thats like my middle name
      Oct 2, 2014
    7. D1amondF1nder11
      oh by the way it clicked it and it said "page not found"
      Oct 2, 2014
    8. jarroy
    9. Teeeb
      You do realize that the only reason we (Americans) are panicking is because africa is infected and it doesn't seem to end. But think about it, africa is a 3rd world country, when someone gets a virus or infection, mostly everyone gets it. Being honest health care in Africa isn't that great, it's not sanitary and the hospitals aren't clean at all, and that's why everyone is getting sick.
      Oct 3, 2014
    10. Teeeb
      And also only one person confirmed has it. The other people show symptoms, but you can show signs and it could be something else. Only one man Aftually has it.
      Oct 3, 2014
    11. Teeeb
      And America is under control. We have good doctors and good hospitals. Everyone who might have it is locked up. But in Africa evryone who might have it is inside houses with non-sick people.
      Oct 3, 2014
    12. D1amondF1nder11
      its not airborn and its treatable right?
      Oct 3, 2014
    13. Teeeb
      And finally. A doctor in Africa found that HIV medicine cures ebola
      Oct 3, 2014
    14. jarroy
      It's not airborne, it's only If you contact with fluid and fluid, at least that is what they speculate for now.
      Oct 3, 2014
    15. iGlitcher
      I heard before you die blood shoots out of ur eyes, ears any holes in you I scare 2
      Oct 16, 2014