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  • Comments on Profile Post by iLegalTaco

    1. canucksfan44
      Oct 1, 2014
    2. iLegalTaco
      I just love dogs c: is that actually your dog?
      Oct 1, 2014
    3. canucksfan44
      Oct 1, 2014
    4. iLegalTaco
      Yours is so well trained mine just looks like fluff balls and stick there tungs out
      Oct 1, 2014
    5. canucksfan44
      Hahaha. I had to try 5 times to get that picture. My dog was confused when he saw my IPad :P
      Oct 1, 2014
    6. iLegalTaco
      My dogs are weird when I got them they were the color of your dog now there 16-18 years old and are a orangey grey color
      Oct 1, 2014
    7. canucksfan44
      Wow. Thats old. But yeah. It happens
      Oct 1, 2014
    8. iLegalTaco
      Ya lol
      Oct 1, 2014
    9. iLegalTaco
      There older than most of the mods xD
      Oct 1, 2014
    10. canucksfan44
      Oct 1, 2014