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  • Comments on Profile Post by MiningCreeper454

    1. Skydiver
      What shader?
      Sep 26, 2014
    2. MiningCreeper454
      GLSL Shader Mod ;D
      Sep 26, 2014
    3. Skydiver
      What type of shaders? of course the shader mod but what type of shader?
      btw how many fps? :P
      Sep 26, 2014
    4. MiningCreeper454
      I've got a pretty good computer, so I'm getting about 30-40fps. That said, I've got about 20 mods running right now (Like Pixelmon and stuff) so that's limiting it.
      Idk what to say about the type, have the website. http://www.9minecraft.net/glsl-shaders-mod/
      Sep 26, 2014
    5. Skydiver
      I have shaders. But I rarely use it and I usually get 60-100 Fps with it on. With it disabled it'll go up to 300 - 1200. I recommend you download sildur's basic shaders for performance and seus ultra shaders for quality.
      Sep 26, 2014
    6. MiningCreeper454
      Will try ;)
      Don't use Pixelmon + that moon mod + that one with chocobos in + a bunch of performance boosting mods at a time. It completely QUARTERS your fps.
      Where did you go, 800fps ;u;
      Sep 26, 2014