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  • Comments on Profile Post by Sound

    1. canucksfan44
      Well if he was stuck then he is allowed to use that command to get out..
      Sep 24, 2014
    2. Sound
      So your saying we could use aimbot to get out of a fight yea. this is the same scenario he is enderpearling into the wall to abuse this command to glitch even if he was stuck in the wall it was his fault first of all trying to glitch and abuse a bug.
      Sep 24, 2014
    3. canucksfan44
      No you are not allowed to use hacks to get out of a fight. But if you want that command gone then suggest it. Just remember it was your idea when you suffocate in a wall :)
      Sep 24, 2014
    4. Sound
      I don't understand your point. He still abused the glitch and got no punishment.
      Sep 24, 2014
    5. canucksfan44
      Then report the glitch.
      Sep 24, 2014
    6. Sound
      We already have you denied it.
      Sep 24, 2014
    7. canucksfan44
      Bugs/exploits sections
      Sep 24, 2014
    8. Sound
      I know i already made a report on this but it was in report section because he abused the bug you did nothing so either there is punishment or your not handling the report properly.
      Sep 25, 2014