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  • Comments on Profile Post by Laura_or_is_it

    1. Xelnagahunter
      Mar 3, 2014
    2. Laura_or_is_it
      I have more points, messages, postive ratings etc lol
      Mar 3, 2014
    3. Xelnagahunter
      I'd have to be active here for a few weeks to bypass you, =P.
      Too bad DayZ Stand Alone has my near full attention.
      Mar 3, 2014
    4. Laura_or_is_it
      Awww, dont become active please

      jks jks but its hard now for me to find threads to spam :P
      Mar 3, 2014
    5. Xelnagahunter
      I won't be THAT active. =P Just active enough.
      Mar 4, 2014
    6. Laura_or_is_it
      Awww ok, btw happy birthday for last week :P Sorry it was soo late.
      Mar 4, 2014