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  • Comments on Profile Post by Ninja

    1. PrincessNerd3
      Sep 15, 2014
    2. Mineterria
      This reminds me of something that happened a few weeks ago.

      Be and a few friends had a free period at school. We sat a a table, all the girls sat at one and the other group of boys just did sport. Anyway, my friend likes this girl in my class and she is our friend. So she sat with us for a while and we were just talking.
      Sep 15, 2014
    3. Mineterria
      I noticed that my friend Jamie (the boy that likes her) was looking nervous, but we knew he liked her. So we made him sit next t her. They started talking so we began shouting at them that he likes her. He got embarrassed and she left to go with the girls.

      I had about $10 on me and I said I would give him $5 if he asked her out. He was to scared to, so I bought the group some food from the vending machines.
      Sep 15, 2014
    4. Mineterria
      I later talked to the girl and found out that she likes him also. I wanted to tell my friend that his crush likes him but he was having a 4 week holiday in America. So she has to wait 3 more weeks for Jamie to return so I can hook them up, again. Yes they were a couple before. But some idiot lied and told her that he didn't like her so they broke up.
      Sep 15, 2014
    5. Mineterria
      Jamie has been afraid to ask her out again so I'll try and get them together.
      Sep 15, 2014
    6. jarroy
      Sep 15, 2014
    7. Mineterria
      he is already there :00000
      Sep 16, 2014
    8. jarroy
      Sep 16, 2014
    9. Pud_Pud
      Sep 17, 2014