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  • Comments on Profile Post by Spice

    1. ScoFu13
      Hes mad because we banned him for stealing everything from us, every post, every rule, everything. Its quite sad. And then reports me for using the same forum company.. bahahahahaha
      Aug 31, 2014
    2. Spice
      WRECKED. lmao
      Aug 31, 2014
    3. matthodgson
      Looks like someone is butthurt that they got banned. Oh well, I'll make sure to just block you again from seeing the site <3
      Aug 31, 2014
    4. TheDiamondRealm
      @matthodgson can I please just talk to you? I have a explanation to everything. I only want to be part of The Helios Network Again I got banned from my old favorite server advertising Helios and I want to be part of it again. I am going to write a really long ban appeal and submit it to you
      Sep 23, 2014