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  • Comments on Profile Post by LetMeExplainPlease

    1. LetMeExplainPlease
      I don't make accounts for fun, I really don't. I just didn't wanna leave the forums. I miss the friends i made here, then I get banned. And i can't make a ban appeal because i'm banned, this account also prob be ban...
      Feb 14, 2014
    2. LetMeExplainPlease
      I love making threads on the forums but I make sure i don't spam it like crazy. If I try to make a account I'll just get banned anyways. :( just give me a chance to fix myself. I make new accounts to explain myself but you just ban me anyways.
      Feb 14, 2014
    3. Laura_or_is_it
      Are you forum nanned on your darkreaper account?
      Feb 14, 2014
    4. LetMeExplainPlease
      Yes im sorry for what i done but... im just mad that you mods don't let me explain you guys just ban me right away.
      Feb 14, 2014
    5. Laura_or_is_it
      Feb 14, 2014
    6. LetMeExplainPlease
      I am darkreaper and give me a chance to fix myself. Ill try my hardest to follow the rules... but i guess you don't care if i say this... D,:
      Feb 14, 2014
    7. LetMeExplainPlease
      But... okay i'm banned goodbye.. i guess. :(
      Feb 14, 2014
    8. Laura_or_is_it
      So why cant you use your old account? What did you do to get banned?
      Feb 14, 2014
    9. LetMeExplainPlease
      I got banned. And I thought happily if i make a new account i can explain myself but right as that happens you figure out i made a new account so you banned me.
      Feb 14, 2014
    10. LetMeExplainPlease
      Nice dog by the way. (Sorry sorry not trying to make you go on my side really im not)
      Feb 14, 2014
    11. Laura_or_is_it
      Tell me why on this account now, if not ill ban you anyway.
      Feb 14, 2014
    12. LetMeExplainPlease
      Because I could explain to you why i made multiple accounts and so you really know why i did it. I'm sorry for spamming on your profile. And i just want a second chance. On my old account
      Feb 14, 2014
    13. Laura_or_is_it
      Tell me what you did to get banned on it! Its all im asking, its not hard just tell me.
      Feb 14, 2014
    14. LetMeExplainPlease
      I guess you don't care. I understand. It's not like i believe i could have a 2nd chance
      Feb 14, 2014
    15. LetMeExplainPlease
      Well, i dont know what you mean by "Tell me what you did to get banned on it!" do you mean like what it said when i got ban or like what i did that was wrong to be bad?
      Feb 14, 2014
    16. LetMeExplainPlease
      Feb 14, 2014
    17. LetMeExplainPlease
      Also for magicOfDemons i put "hide my identity" because i gave up on trying to explain myself on the forums so i just made a account.
      Feb 14, 2014
    18. LetMeExplainPlease
      Bye I gtg. Tell me later. :)
      Feb 14, 2014
    19. Spice
      He told me that he didn't know why he was banned.
      Feb 14, 2014