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  • Comments on Profile Post by A Magical Unicorn

    1. Flarey
      Incorrect. You were saying rude language, Twice so I kicked you. Next you come back on and then swear at xefo for about 5 mins while I watched over. I gave you a lot of chances, you didn't listen so I muted you, then you spammed me in MSG horrible messages and comments about how I am so bad. You went afk for like 2 mins and then came back and apologised.
      Aug 30, 2014
    2. Flarey
      You kept doing it I gave you many warnings, poke came on also mining. We watched over the chat on you spamming, using caps and swearing. Poke then temp banned you for 2 hours I think. We gave you A LOT of warnings, you didn't listen.
      Aug 30, 2014
    3. A Magical Unicorn
      A Magical Unicorn
      Well Flare he goes Flare Mute CreeperZ you were like Ok _XefoPvP even though he swore at me and bugged me and i'm sick of it if he never joined prison this wouldn't have happened. ALSO I did apoligise but then he was like LOL and it made me mad and you are a terrible mod if what I heard if correct giving ppl guard armor aint good.
      Aug 30, 2014
    4. A Magical Unicorn
      A Magical Unicorn
      How about you give him some warnings oh wait because he'll Dox you?
      Aug 30, 2014
    5. Flarey
      Guard armour?!? I would never and I did not give any sort of guard armour away. Also when he said mute creeper I replied, I have already. No on tells me how to moderate.
      Aug 30, 2014
    6. A Magical Unicorn
      A Magical Unicorn
      Nobody tells you how to moderate that explains he kept going mute him ban him you know what has to be donee and then he did.
      Aug 30, 2014
    7. Flarey
      Stop! Calm down please. First he is 10. He can't even dos anyone. Secondly no one has ever dossed me or even threaten to do anything to me.
      Aug 30, 2014
    8. A Magical Unicorn
      A Magical Unicorn
      I don't care Why do i need to Stop! and calm down? yes he's ten so if I saw him in real life he'll look likes he's 75 and secondly why we doing this on Piles profile she doesn't want to get spammed by either my stupidy or how angry I get.
      Aug 30, 2014
    9. Flarey
      People told poke mining and me to do things. We do not listen to people who tell us how to do our own job. Creeper, xefo told me to ban you, did I? No! Xefo told me to mute you, did I listen to him? No.
      Aug 30, 2014
    10. A Magical Unicorn
      A Magical Unicorn
      He did say yo you know what to do flare he bes nasty to be and you just ignore him and I get mad and get kicked and he goes lol xd lol xd and obviously that'll make me mad.
      Aug 30, 2014
    11. Flarey
      I personally have souled xefo face to face, he is a young 10 year old boy. I know that pile is going to get spammed (sorry pile) so creeper please could we stop this and is it ok for me to delete this?
      Aug 30, 2014
    12. PiLe
      STOP NOW.
      Aug 30, 2014
    13. UncleUrnesto
      This shouldn't be on @Pile_of_Butts profile, go start a conversation.
      Aug 30, 2014
    14. Flarey
      Conor please stop spamming piles profile.
      Aug 30, 2014
    15. A Magical Unicorn
      A Magical Unicorn
      I did say to stop spamming Pile lol go on my discussion. also brb
      Aug 30, 2014
    16. RachetSenpai
      Wow, I feel sorry for pile...
      Aug 30, 2014
    17. iGlitcher
      I really thought you were a great guy creeper but after your forum ban everything changed, you swear at players, and staff, and I'm your friend, can you please stop with the anger? If you don't wanna die don't pvp, don't take matters in your own hands, just as I have anger issues to I learn to control them, at one time I was like how you're.
      Please stop fighting pile now.
      Aug 31, 2014
    18. A Magical Unicorn
      A Magical Unicorn
      WTF? I NEVER FIGHTED WITH PILE Glitcher I also never died in pvp please don'tt comment if you don't know what's going on _XefoPvP can't kill me never has never will if he uses hacks on me I usually move on but I decided to tell the mods and it got out of hand stop spamming this comment and don't comment if you dunno what's going on PS: I'm still a great guy :)
      Aug 31, 2014
    19. djryan
      Flare and unicorn, for real, both of you grow up and cut out. Wanna rage at each other? Do it in convo, not on piles profile.
      She has enough to deal with already and you 2 flaming and spamming the crap out of her profile doesn't help.
      Flare, your a moderator, you should know better than to flame.
      Aug 31, 2014
    20. A Magical Unicorn
      A Magical Unicorn
      Plz stfu and read the previous comments.
      Aug 31, 2014
    21. iGlitcher
      Listen Magical Unicorn, I don't care who you fought with, this is a fight you won't win.
      Aug 31, 2014
    22. Flarey
      Djran We Stopped. Everyone Stop, Includes Everyone.
      Aug 31, 2014
    23. iGlitcher
      Thank you Flare.
      Aug 31, 2014
    24. A Magical Unicorn
      A Magical Unicorn
      Glitcher we said this before which means ur the idiot here ima stop now.
      Aug 31, 2014