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  • Comments on Profile Post by 196

    1. mindsensation
      If you can get everyone to cooperate, then sure, go for it. The more obsidian we have the better.
      Aug 30, 2014
    2. 196
      Are you gonna try the new design in creative? And yeah, we can probably get that much obsidian pretty quickly because I know we already have quite a lot (possibly enough lol) and Kyle, Firo, and I will spend a lot of time mining.
      Aug 30, 2014
    3. mindsensation
      Also, do the floors in-between necessarily have to be obsidian?
      Aug 30, 2014
    4. mindsensation
      I'm doing it in single-player for now as the different designs I'm trying out are very very alpha.
      Aug 30, 2014
    5. 196
      No they can be whatever the owner of the floor chooses
      Aug 30, 2014
    6. mindsensation
      And what of the player living under that owner? Do they just have to deal with having random blocks as the ceiling?
      Aug 30, 2014
    7. 196
      Oh ;_; we can make one block for ceilings for each player, so their ceiling is not the next persons floor, but then the the entire base has to become 17 blocks higher.
      Aug 30, 2014
    8. 196
      Unless people's rooms end up being 3 blocks tall
      Aug 30, 2014
    9. mindsensation
      Which is why I'm sort of against the whole vertical design. I'm working on a sort of a cube complex design, I'll post pics in a bit.
      Aug 30, 2014
    10. 196
      Maybe instead of all one tall tower, a squatter square unit of the same type of tower, but divided into sections and put side by side instead of a single tower?
      Aug 30, 2014
    11. mindsensation
      Mhmm. I was also thinking about a rectangular/square building with one floor for each section. IE. One for rooms, machines, farms, etc.
      Aug 30, 2014
    12. 196
      Ohh so all our rooms are on one floor...
      Aug 30, 2014
    13. mindsensation
      It'd make for easier access. I'm not sure though, still in the very early stages. :P
      Aug 30, 2014
    14. mindsensation
      So far I've fit everything into 7 stories.
      Aug 30, 2014
    15. 196
      Ah nice!
      Aug 30, 2014