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  • Comments on Profile Post by WhyteDuck

    1. Qwiby
      Whats good
      Nov 17, 2023
      WhyteDuck likes this.
    2. WhyteDuck
      how you been qwibster
      Nov 18, 2023
      Qwiby likes this.
    3. Qwiby
      Im ight, still waiting on PK to be opened. Working my off rn and focusing on my career a lot more tho wbu
      Nov 23, 2023
      WhyteDuck likes this.
    4. WhyteDuck
      Whats PK and what are u doin bruh - you soundin like a whole grown up
      Nov 23, 2023
    5. Qwiby
      Parkour, and yeee. Working as a mailman saving up for electrical school. 60+ hour weeks rn ur boy grinding for that 2x overtime pay
      Dec 4, 2023
      WhyteDuck likes this.
    6. WhyteDuck
      damn i respect that broski as long as youre happy w/ it fr
      Dec 6, 2023
    7. Qwiby
      Its alright, like i said jus saving up rn. Bought a sportbike tho with the money now THAT makes me happy. How about urself wyd bro??
      Dec 6, 2023
      WhyteDuck likes this.
    8. WhyteDuck
      DAMN a sports bike?? - I'm studying comp sci rn and its a pain
      Dec 7, 2023
      Qwiby likes this.
    9. Qwiby
      Bro comp sci is crazy hard. Also crazy competitive i feel like EVERYONE is studying that sht good luck man
      Dec 11, 2023
    10. WhyteDuck
      thanks bro and hopefully i survive LOLOL - you still gamin tho?
      Dec 12, 2023
    11. Qwiby
      Yea but im mostly into like competitive splatoon nowdays, even then though i work too much to game hard like i used to. What abt u? Still playin mc at all? Lol
      Dec 14, 2023
    12. WhyteDuck
      whats comp splatoon? and nah i play other games like valorant, recently lethal company, some cs and other things
      Dec 16, 2023
    13. Qwiby
      Sorry it took so long to get back this time. Lethal is so hype tho i had hella fun playing it with skme friends. Tried playing val but im dog at it so lmao. 2-11 kd last time i tried. Splatoons Nintendos version of a shooter, so like ranked splatoon
      Jan 8, 2024
    14. WhyteDuck
      u play ranked on a NINTENDO?
      Jan 18, 2024
      Qwiby likes this.
    15. Qwiby
      Yea bro top 805th player out of 20,000,000 im crazy on it bro
      Jan 19, 2024
    16. Qwiby
      Oh if you asked if i played ranked val on a nintendo, no. I play ranked splatoon on a switch
      Jan 19, 2024