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  • Comments on Profile Post by XOXO

    1. mattenphew
      ello darlin'
      Apr 8, 2023
      XOXO likes this.
    2. XOXO
      how you been? :D
      Oct 6, 2023
    3. mattenphew
      not bad, working etc. wbu?
      Oct 6, 2023
    4. XOXO
      Been good, same here working and stuff.... Do you still play on mv?
      Oct 6, 2023
    5. mattenphew
      i'm head mod so yeah I stuck around. wbu? OP just re released
      Oct 6, 2023
      XOXO likes this.
    6. XOXO
      Oh cool!! I lost my mc account so I have not been playing at all. I might though, since OP is back but I'd be horrible at pvp haha. What's new?
      Oct 11, 2023
    7. mattenphew
      You should come say hi sure, give me a shout if you ever go on. I'm also horrible at pvp now, but you were miles better than me back in the day as it is. We made a bunch of changes though, read the announcement and you'll see what changed :)
      Oct 11, 2023