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  • Comments on Profile Post by iJoacok

    1. XOXO
      Yooooo no way!!! I remember you ! How you been??
      Apr 7, 2023
      iJoacok likes this.
    2. iJoacok
      wow i've never thought about u replying. I've been doing just fine, im at college so im getting ed as well and idk that kind of things
      Apr 25, 2023
      XOXO likes this.
    3. XOXO
      Heyy!! So bad at replying I rarely ever come on lol. That's great!

      I've just been working. Not as big into gaming as I used to be haha. Always think back to the good ol' mineverse days! They were so good. Brings me to a time when life wasn't as stressful haha.

      I'm glad you've been doing well! :) What are you studying in College?
      Oct 6, 2023
      iJoacok likes this.
    4. iJoacok
      Omg im sorry it took me so long to reply, i was busy af w college as i said hahaha. Im studying Graphic Design and im loving it but you're right, this are stressful times. I rarely come here aswell so maybe dm me ur socials so we keep in touch. Always love to know you're doing great!! cya
      Nov 24, 2023