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  • Comments on Profile Post by Ninja

    1. ChloyyBear
      A lot of people do it. Nothing big. Nearly almost all of the people at my school have their phones jailbroken.
      Aug 29, 2014
    2. Ninja
      I know, but I think I have a warranty on my phone and I don't want it revoked because of the jailbreak.
      Aug 29, 2014
    3. ChloyyBear
      Oh, in that Case I suggest not doing it.
      Aug 29, 2014
    4. UncleUrnesto
      You can always unjail break it.
      Aug 29, 2014
    5. Cheez
      I jailbroke my iPod just to try it out. Not my iPhone though, it wasn't really a necessity. Ain't worth it if you lose your warranty in my opinion.
      Aug 29, 2014
    6. Ninja
      Yeah, I decided to do a little more research before I do it.
      I have a ton of experience with it, I just want to be sure.
      Aug 29, 2014
    7. PopIs_MyLife
      you can restore your phone to factory settings and the jailbreak will be gone, so you won't lose your warranty ;)
      Aug 30, 2014
    8. fendodo
      Lol, you should if you want to crack into peoples wifi. :) Just come to me for that.
      Aug 31, 2014