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  • Comments on Profile Post by mattenphew

    1. XOXO
      HI !!! You got me on my yearly visits lol
      Jun 27, 2022
      mattenphew likes this.
    2. XOXO
      I see you are head moderator which is great! Congratulations :)) !! So actually there has been a few questions that I have been wondering about. What is the current state of Mineverse? I've been out of the loop for years I don't think I've played in over 5-7 years. Has OP PvP changed at all and do many still play?
      Jun 27, 2022
      mattenphew likes this.
    3. mattenphew
      tbh a lot different, some of the OGs kick around still but the player count for the server is now between 50-70. OP is pretty quiet these days only a few people on at a time but hopefully everything is on the up soon
      Jun 27, 2022
      XOXO likes this.
    4. XOXO
      Damn, I see that's pretty crazy. I might actually try and replay at one point. I have to get a whole new account though since I've long forgotten my email and password haha... I do miss the old days. Often find myself coming back hoping others from the past would contact me.
      Jun 28, 2022
      mattenphew likes this.
    5. mattenphew
      yeahh you should definitely come back and check it out, might run into some OGs
      Jun 28, 2022
      XOXO likes this.