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  • Comments on Profile Post by Subbiee

    1. YouLikeMinecraft
      Yeah you seem like a cool guy! :) would be great to be friends
      May 7, 2021
      Subbiee likes this.
    2. Subbiee
      Well, just add me if you wish :D you seem cool too so :)
      May 7, 2021
    3. YouLikeMinecraft
      think positive nerds get succesfull in the future and the "popular kids" that partys all the time doesnt. Really like nerds they are smart and dont do dumb stuff
      May 7, 2021
      Subbiee likes this.
    4. YouLikeMinecraft
      You deserve a sub from me!
      May 7, 2021
    5. Subbiee
      Awh well thanks for that, I mean that is your opinion on that matter, I do agree a tad bit with that from my experience. But at the end of the day we are who we are even if you're type of "popular kid" they'd shouldn't be painted or judged in an overall perspective. :)
      May 7, 2021