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  • Comments on Profile Post by Itaaaaaa

    1. Qwiby
      No shes mine f off
      Feb 1, 2021
    2. dinol
      Itaaaa! It's been forever
      Feb 1, 2021
      Itaaaaaa likes this.
    3. Itaaaaaa
      <3 Miss you Dinol
      Feb 1, 2021
    4. dinol
      <3 same to you, do u still play MC servers? if so, which? :D
      Feb 1, 2021
      Itaaaaaa likes this.
    5. Itaaaaaa
      I don't spend a lot of my time on MC anymore, but I still hop on every now and then and look around! Recently I've been playing Starsector and Fallout New Vegas
      Feb 1, 2021
    6. dinol
      awh ;w; and same tbh, server i play on a lot is shutting down so il probs be a little less active on mc too now
      Feb 4, 2021