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  • Comments on Profile Post by AmazingFireGirl

    1. MiningCreeper454
      Sorry, I've been super busy lately, we're househunting atm ;-;
      How's life?
      Aug 28, 2014
    2. AmazingFireGirl
      pretty good like my quote on my profile and ok
      Aug 28, 2014
    3. AmazingFireGirl
      also love ur profile pic
      Aug 28, 2014
    4. MiningCreeper454
      Haha, I love to hate that girl. She's a serial killer from Ace Attorney, poisons her boyfriend, electrocutes another, tries to poison her ex, kills her family, steals from her parents... Scariest girl in gaming. No, she doesn't have a gun or anything, but it's her power over people and her innocence that scares me <:
      Aug 28, 2014
    5. AmazingFireGirl
      hehe yeh
      Aug 28, 2014