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  • Comments on Profile Post by Subbiee

    1. Tonya
      I'm high-key thinking about getting Cold War. I haven't played COD in years, but I grew up playing BO1, and Cold War is essentially a continuation of the game. I love the history, I love the time period, and I am definitely considering it.
      Nov 13, 2020
      Subbiee likes this.
    2. Subbiee
      Just got home from work, gonna boot it up and play the campaign, I am the same not played COD a good few years but this Cold War looks promising.
      Nov 13, 2020
      Tonya likes this.
    3. Tonya
      Awesome, let me know how it is!
      Nov 13, 2020
      Subbiee likes this.
    4. Subbiee
      Just done campaign, really enjoyed it
      Nov 13, 2020
      Tonya likes this.