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  • Comments on Profile Post by Mineterria

    1. Grayson
      Aug 27, 2014
    2. Mineterria
      I remember when you were new to the forums, showing off highly-enchanted armour in a thread :p
      Aug 27, 2014
    3. Grayson
      I do too.
      I'm surprised you remember that thread.
      Aug 27, 2014
    4. Mineterria
      I might be an elephant for all you know. ;)

      But those were the good times, not as good as when you got mod. That was one of the most important pieces of Mineverse history. You have done so much for this server.
      Aug 27, 2014
    5. Grayson
      I have done nothing.

      I can not provide what Cypriot, Crew, Pile, or what Cheez has provided already. That's simply impossible.
      Aug 27, 2014
    6. Mineterria
      But, you alone have contributed in reducing the amount of offences here. Mostly hacking. I, as well as many others thank you. :)
      Aug 27, 2014
    7. Grayson
      I have not done so. But thank you for acknowledging. <3
      Aug 27, 2014
    8. mindsensation
      Don't be so hard on yourself, you're a wonderful addition to the community. I myself wouldn't be here if not for you, so you're doing something right. <3
      Aug 28, 2014