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  • Comments on Profile Post by Carbonyx

    1. Saturns
      Please be patient with reports, moderators have school & lives just as much as regular players do. Have a great day! <3 :D
      Sep 25, 2019
    2. Sando3
      Pastel didn't u get the memo? We are no longer allowed lives outside of Mineverse
      Sep 25, 2019
      Saturns likes this.
    3. Carbonyx
      My sincere apologies. Catching nine hackers on the same server within two days gets to me sometimes, y'know? :P
      Sep 25, 2019
      Sando3 likes this.
    4. Sando3
      Don't feel bad at all. If I know Pastel right, she probably cried because another mod stole those reports from her. But 5am my time and 11pm Pastel's time isn't necessarily the time we'd be able to handle reports when we have school the next day ;)
      Sep 25, 2019
    5. Saturns
      i did cry alot actually thank u
      Sep 25, 2019
    6. Carbonyx
      Ah, I'm truly mistaken for thinking that there are people that don't have school every day. My bad :)
      Sep 25, 2019