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  • Comments on Profile Post by Methylone

    1. ImJustAndrew
      Yes, it is, simply an online picture but still gorgeous.
      Jul 2, 2019
      Methylone likes this.
    2. Methylone
      awh I have a samoyed, we could have been samoyed buddies Lol
      Jul 2, 2019
      ImJustAndrew likes this.
    3. ImJustAndrew
      Where I currently live animals aren't allowed, I have always wanted a puppy to my self.
      Jul 2, 2019
    4. Methylone
      Where do you live? :o I got my samoyed about two years ago, we had to lie to my mom saying she would not grow big so we could convince her.
      Jul 2, 2019
    5. ImJustAndrew
      Just apartment based rules. The western part of Washington state.
      Jul 2, 2019
    6. Methylone
      Awh, well maybe in the future you’ll have a small pupp.
      Jul 2, 2019
      ImJustAndrew likes this.
    7. ImJustAndrew
      For sure!
      Jul 3, 2019