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  • Comments on Profile Post by mattenphew

    1. XOXO
      Hello there
      Jun 20, 2019
    2. mattenphew
      Been a while
      Jun 20, 2019
    3. XOXO
      I know! You’re genius506 right? I remember you back in OP PVP days
      Jun 20, 2019
    4. mattenphew
      Yep, good times
      Jun 20, 2019
      XOXO likes this.
    5. XOXO
      Back in 2014 ;-; how you been anyways? Does many people from back then still play? Oh and congrats on whatever rank you’re in now :))
      Jun 20, 2019
    6. mattenphew
      I've been alright, you?
      Yeah not too many around and thanks :)
      Jun 20, 2019
      XOXO likes this.
    7. XOXO
      Yeah I’m good graduated my course in college and finally starting life haha made me think of my teenage years and how I spent most of It on Op PvP .-. XD that’s why I’m here anyways haha...Btw I’m so sorry if I was in any way mean to you I remember how awful I used to be to other people on this and I didn’t get to apologize and
      Jun 20, 2019
    8. XOXO
      I’m sorry I keep ranting but I actually have not talked to anyone on this in such a long time ;-;
      Jun 20, 2019
    9. mattenphew
      Nah you were nice to me back then, dw.
      Jun 20, 2019
      XOXO likes this.
    10. XOXO
      Oh ok that’s good to hear, well anyways I’m gonna head off. Take care Genius ;)
      Jun 20, 2019
    11. mattenphew
      You too xoxotoxicgirl
      Jun 20, 2019
      XOXO likes this.