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  • Comments on Profile Post by Acceptation

    1. Saturns
      if it makes you feel better i fainted in a huge jewelry shop in the mall and i had cops and crowds of people around me when i woke up. i had to get sent to the hospital, get a couple of IV's, and go through a CT scan.

      hope youre okay though :(
      Apr 2, 2019
      Acceptation likes this.
    2. Acceptation
      Oh wow...

      I was in scouts, we were doing a game and I was obviously running then all I remember was getting extremely light headed and dizzy and apparently, that's when I dropped to the ground. Only thing is I didn't go to the hospital. I woke up straight after and I was told to keep my feet up to allow the blood to go through my brain and I had to get two leaders to send me home because
      Apr 3, 2019
      Saturns likes this.
    3. Acceptation
      I literally couldn't walk and when I got home I was just lying down for like 2-3 hours and was fine but then had a major headache and couldn't go to sleep -_-

      I'm fine now though and the only benefit from this is that I didn't have to go to school but thanks for checking up on me Pastel <3
      Apr 3, 2019
      Saturns likes this.
    4. Saturns
      yeah; it’s good that you didn’t go to school. i fainted on a saturday so i was practically forced to go to school. make sure to drink gatorade or something that has electrolytes. i couldn’t eat taco bell or mcdonalds for a good week or two n it sucked.

      and ofc i would check up on you dummy<33
      Apr 3, 2019
      Acceptation likes this.
    5. Acceptation
      ahhhh we don't have Gatorade in the UK hahaha, it sucks that you where forced to go to school though, I probably would have begged my dad to stay home... And no mcdonalds for two weeks!?!?!? That place is my lifeeeeeeee <3333
      Apr 3, 2019
    6. Saturns
      damn rip. i don’t know many UK drinks, sorry ab that. and yeah it sucked but it’s okay! i tried begging n my mom was like lol u tried
      Apr 3, 2019
    7. Acceptation
      All good haha, I mean at least your mom said it in a polite-ish way I guess, my dad would have said "tough" then start ranting about how school is the best days of your life -_-
      Apr 3, 2019
    8. Saturns
      ahh yeah, i hate those rants. especially when i tell a joke n my mom turns it into this big lecture on how it’s not ok lol
      Apr 3, 2019
    9. Acceptation
      oh thank god I'm not the only one.
      Apr 3, 2019
    10. Saturns
      ofc not <3
      Apr 3, 2019
    11. Acceptation
      Apr 3, 2019
      Saturns likes this.
    12. hannah
      bro what
      Apr 6, 2019