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  • Comments on Profile Post by Winnfield

    1. Scorv
      Meh, just the usual slaving away at life. How you've been?
      Feb 23, 2019
      Winnfield likes this.
    2. Winnfield
      You and me both brother. I've been fine thanks :)
      Feb 23, 2019
    3. Scorv
      Nothing new happening in your life?
      Feb 24, 2019
    4. Winnfield
      Ehh not really - still at school, so nothing drastic. At college now, so it's a bit more focussed which is nice, but that's about it. Yourself?
      Feb 25, 2019
    5. Scorv
      Since last time we talked, I've gotten a full-time job. pretty much it. Been playing some new games too
      Feb 25, 2019
    6. Winnfield
      Ah nice man, may I ask in what field? Any recommendations? I only really play CS these days, every now and then I dabble in OW or Battlefield or something..
      Feb 28, 2019
    7. Scorv
      Eh, just factory work. Its a good place tho. pretty much same bf5, ow, sot, and now apex
      Mar 1, 2019
      Winnfield likes this.
    8. Winnfield
      Oh well, if you like it, that's all that matters. Yeah, I forgot about Apex, it's a pretty good game for a free2play, gg EA.
      Mar 3, 2019