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  • Comments on Profile Post by 532

    1. elrak
      I lagged out noob. And I had p3..
      Aug 23, 2014
    2. 532
      stop Lieng!! i have it still on my inv p4 and gapps and pots :P why u mad brah?
      Aug 23, 2014
    3. elrak
      I have 11 doubles of p4... Lol.. I'm not mad. Its just sad that you think your the best now since you beat me when I lagged out xD P.S If I were pvping with gapples I think I would of eaten them.
      Aug 23, 2014
    4. 532
      Idc if u have 11 dubs you died from me and I suck at pvp and u did have gapps we all saw you try to eat them than I Rekt ya
      Aug 23, 2014