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  • Comments on Profile Post by 196

    1. mindsensation
      I went to prison, AGH, sorry, just kind of slipped away.
      Aug 23, 2014
    2. 196
      Oh haha. Yeah, pretty much all there was to see on my messed up island ;-; at least I got to celebrate his birthday. I'll probably give it a fresh start when I get back. Too many problems with the whole place.
      Aug 23, 2014
    3. mindsensation
      It looked like it was a really cool place to begin with, stupid griefers ;(
      Aug 23, 2014
    4. 196
      It did look nice when it was whole, especially since the beacon beams were shining up right in the center.
      Aug 23, 2014
    5. mindsensation
      I can imagine.
      Aug 23, 2014
    6. 196
      Posted a picture of it a while back in a thread on skyblock forums, I'd show you but it looks like that was lost to the reset in January.
      Aug 23, 2014
    7. 196
      Coolest design though, which partially inspired my island was Zisteau's Lens from Mindcrack Season 3
      Aug 23, 2014
    8. mindsensation
      I love mindcrack! :D
      Aug 23, 2014
    9. 196
      Season 3 was the best in my opinion, they've gotten too short. Their world border idea does seem cool, and I would like to see where season 5 goes. Also can't wait for Docm's new world tour, that'll be amazing.
      Aug 23, 2014
    10. mindsensation
      I really liked Etho's perspective of season 4, but other than that I agree with you. :)
      Aug 23, 2014
    11. 196
      Yeah, I mainly watch him. It just seems to me like the whole server did get as developed as they did in S3 though, not really much spreading out and building of elaborate bases, not as much pranking, etc.
      Aug 23, 2014
    12. mindsensation
      Yeah, pranking was definitely better for S3.
      Aug 23, 2014
    13. 196
      I have to go, leaving at 8 AM tomorrow morning. Last thing, you should watch the ZipKrowd server tours on JL2579's channel if you haven't already seen any (and just other videos by him, he's great) some of the stuff they do is crazy.
      Aug 23, 2014
    14. 196
      ^^Automatic wither tree farms, auto obsidian farm, a massive enderman farm, a quadruple witch hut farm, giant nether farm for wither skeletons, etc. They do some amazing stuff with redstone, and farms especially, as well as giant structures and the like.
      Aug 23, 2014
    15. mindsensation
      I'll check it out :)
      Aug 23, 2014