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  • Comments on Profile Post by 196

    1. 196
      — I've been having lots of ideas about new island designs and my current one looks cool but it's kinda boring and ugly anyway... I would kinda like to get back into Net though since it is as a whole an interesting server... THE
      Aug 22, 2014
    2. mindsensation
      The community is great, for one. As for restarting your island, that's your choice, but I personally find entertainment with fresh starts. :)
      Aug 22, 2014
    3. 196
      I have 2 placed witch spawners ;_; maybe I will though. Is it legal to ask a friend to hold some valuable items on their island while I restart as long as the items are legal trades/not starter items? Since then it's not really farming...
      Aug 22, 2014
    4. mindsensation
      Perfectly legal. :)
      Aug 22, 2014
    5. 196
      Last question: I don't think bedrock is legal to keep in this manner (if it is I guess disregard this) but if not then am I allowed to keep it in an enderchest?

      Also; have a follow :>
      Aug 22, 2014
    6. mindsensation
      I believe so; to you as well <3
      Aug 22, 2014