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  • Comments on Profile Post by 196

    1. 196
      Octave above the one above the staff I mean^^
      Aug 22, 2014
    2. MiningCreeper454
      Try having your reed completely explode while at the top of a 3 octave chromatic scale... at the start of an exam. I got a dodgy reed that time, meant I had to retake Grade 6 because I was unable to continue.
      Sucks to be me.
      Aug 22, 2014
    3. 196
      Wat 3 octave chromatic? Like low Bb through Bb6? That's realllly high...
      Aug 22, 2014
    4. 196
      Aug 22, 2014
    5. MiningCreeper454
      I failed the scales section of the exam because of that god damn scale. I scraped a pass with dead on 100 points, but after getting distinctions on every other exam it's a major let down.
      I swear, if I've gotta play a Bb6 again I'm gonna die. Putting your teeth on a reed for a note is not good at all, especially when you're gonna pass out.
      Aug 22, 2014
    6. 196
      Plus after too long it destroys the reed... I had this reed that was really good in the high register and I eventually just fused the blades together from biting it..
      Aug 22, 2014
    7. MiningCreeper454
      That's why it collapsed- I was too nervous and I bit down a little too hard, not enough to break it but enough for it to flatten beyond repair.
      Not taking Grade 7, even though I used to want the holy grade 8. 1, because of my lack of money and no oboe, and 2 because of the stress of the exams. Not gonna stop my singing and piano grades, though. The oboe just gave me extreme headaches.
      Aug 22, 2014
    8. 196
      Do you know the fingering for a D7? I can't find it...
      Aug 22, 2014
    9. MiningCreeper454
      No, sorry. Highest I've ever gone is C sharp 7 and NEVER AGAIN. Almost broke the reed in one note.
      Aug 22, 2014
    10. 196
      I was just practicing a longtone C# 7, almost ate some cane ;-; the fingerings up there are so awkward though... Impossible to move between the fingerings efficiently since they're so convoluted
      Aug 22, 2014
    11. 196
      Just found one :D a guy says you can hit it with LH1 and the little trill key to the side of the pad between LH1 and LH2

      Don't want to attempt it though...
      Aug 22, 2014
    12. MiningCreeper454
      I literally play the note, choke up some reed and take a year to move to another key. Have you ever had the problem when playing a high scale that you begin to feel under oxygenated and feel like you'll pass out. Reason 2. why I don't play the oboe anymore- it was damaging my health.
      Aug 22, 2014
    13. MiningCreeper454
      Make sure you have a spare reed if you wanna try it lol, don't want to break it over the stress of playing it first time!
      Aug 22, 2014
    14. 196
      Yeah I'll use one of the crappy reeds I've made recently which is way too closed at the tip, so it should be good for altissimo stuff. Was gonna give it the wall test anyway.

      And yeah, once I fell into a chair since I was so light headed hah
      Aug 22, 2014
    15. MiningCreeper454
      Okay, I was 9 when I did this and I had the tiniest lungs in the world. I was in the orchestra and I had a 12 beat long C6 note... I actually passed out one practice session where I wasn't actually feeling so good when I came.
      Mostly now I just know when I'm gonna faint, so I stop myself while playing and rest for like 5 mins.
      Aug 22, 2014