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  • Comments on Profile Post by mindsensation

    1. MiningCreeper454
      Yay! A friend! So, uh, hi I'm Claire and I like mint frappes and pink ugg boots...
      I'm not good with these things. ;-;
      Anyway, hope to see you around! Feel free to chat with me if you ever feel bored or just are that desperate for human contact.
      Aug 22, 2014
    2. mindsensation
      Friends! :D Hiya, my name's Jackson, and I like mint chocolate chip icecream and blue eyes...
      Shhhh, it's okay, neither am I <3
      Sure, it's 1:30 AM and I'm desperate ;-; do you have a kik? :P
      Aug 22, 2014
    3. MiningCreeper454
      Well, I did have Kik... My phone has decided to keep playing the Samsung screen, so when it stops spazzing out I'll add you :3
      Aug 22, 2014
    4. mindsensation
      YAY ANDROID ILY. You just got 10x cooler in my book <3 Whenever you can: jacksonbtuck :P
      Aug 22, 2014
    5. jarroy
      Can I add you or am I too lame :>
      Aug 22, 2014
    6. mindsensation
      You can <3
      Aug 22, 2014
    7. jarroy
      yey c:
      Aug 22, 2014