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  • Comments on Profile Post by Acceptation

    1. Acceptation
      I really respect you and appreciate all the stuff you done for me to help me get through certain issues. Thank you Sniff. Take care.
      Jun 2, 2018
    2. SniffMyToes
      Keep working hard. You’ll make a better staff member than me.
      Jun 2, 2018
    3. Acceptation
      Sniff, we both know that this statement is false, you where a great staff member and personally one of my favourites, don't doubt yourself because at the end of the day you did what you could do, you where a person who inspired me to want to become a staff member when I first came back to Mineverse and when you got promoted it was honestly amazing and I was so delighted for me. Hold tight man, I will never forget you
      Jun 2, 2018
    4. Ruminisque
      That was a long sentence.
      Jun 4, 2018
      extender likes this.
    5. extender
      -10 points runon sentence until year 2020
      Jun 4, 2018
    6. SniffMyToes
      My English teacher would be very triggered over that.

      Also lmfao I wasn’t even that good of a mod
      Jun 4, 2018