Poking is basically a system on the forums where forum users can poke eachother just for the fun of it. Usually, we tend to do these "poke wars" and see if you can beat your opponent. You win a poke wars if the other user hasn't poked you in 24 hours.
Anyways, if you want to poke a user, go to their profile and hover over "Moderator Tools". Then, click "Poke" and it will poke the player. You can also poke a user by clicking their profile icon on any profile or thread you see them, and then click the "Poke" button.
Bumping is a way to put your thread at the top of the page, to make it pop up in the recent threads and the top of your list. For example, if I had an old thread and I wanted people to check it, I'd bump it. You can bump a thread every 24 hours.
That's basically explaining both of your questions for you.
(sorry for the multiple replies, couldn't post it into one reply)
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