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  • Comments on Profile Post by SniffMyToes

    1. Chipemunk
      Thanks <3 I can finally have a banner!!! :)))
      Feb 18, 2018
    2. Chipemunk
      Kind of off topic, we haven't usually gotten along and I am sorry for anything I have said/done in the past I hope we can put the past behind us and start afresh. I am trying my best to become more active.
      Feb 18, 2018
      SniffMyToes likes this.
    3. SniffMyToes
      I hope we do get along better, as you are actually a nice guy. A fresh start is always nice. Also, seeing as you're staff on two servers (or more?), I don't expect you to be very active here, as you have more than one to attend to. :)
      Feb 18, 2018
      Chipemunk likes this.
    4. Chipemunk
      Feb 18, 2018
      SniffMyToes likes this.