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  • Comments on Profile Post by baile y

    1. amli
      that reminded me of a video i saw called like the ripple effect or something
      Jan 26, 2018
      Mega_ likes this.
    2. Mega_
      Once I was at a restaurant and this man had lost his wallet and only had a couple pennies left so I paid for his drink, about 2 hours later when I went to pay it'd already been paid. Turns out that guy came back and gave the restaurant £500 to cover our tab and for me to keep the change.
      Jan 26, 2018
      benji likes this.
    3. baile y
      baile y
      that's so awesome
      Jan 26, 2018
    4. archerexpert777
      Once I paid like 5 bucks to cover someones meal. Although I got yelled at by my parents, I thought it was still worth it
      Jan 31, 2018
      baile y likes this.