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  • Comments on Profile Post by Diggy

    1. Diggy
      Aug 25, 2017
      Vintage likes this.
    2. Greg
      u srs? Lmao
      Aug 25, 2017
      Diggy likes this.
    3. Insolar
      cto of evilcorp cx
      Aug 25, 2017
      Vintage and Diggy like this.
    4. Diggy
      @Real music don't want to get into some heat stuff here, but yeah
      @Insolar bwahahahahahahhaa (idk evil laugh)
      Aug 25, 2017
    5. sircorgi
      wow ok i see
      Aug 25, 2017
      Vintage, Diggy and Greg like this.
    6. Vintage
      once you buy everything you want, then what?
      Aug 25, 2017
      Greg and PiLe like this.
    7. Greg
      Rich people are less happy than lower class/income people
      Aug 25, 2017
    8. PiLe
      My son and I love to go to the beach. We can't wait to go every summer. But this year my son made an observation he never had before. As beautiful and rich the coastline is, it's the journey there that's the most fun. All the songs, stops and sights along the way. Money can't buy that.
      Aug 25, 2017
      Mai, Diggy, gabby and 2 others like this.
    9. Greg
      Something I actually really loved you said, Pile. :o
      Aug 25, 2017
      PiLe likes this.
    10. Vintage
      dont get me wrong, money is essential in this world to live, but materialistic things don't make memories, people do
      Aug 25, 2017
      Mai, Greg and PiLe like this.
    11. gabby
      um disagree
      Aug 25, 2017
    12. Diggy
      @Pile I guess in all fairness I'm still just a kid? That's beautiful though... Guess I still have stuff to learn.. sorry :/
      Aug 25, 2017
      Mai, PiLe, Vintage and 1 other person like this.
    13. sircorgi

      money can't make you happy diggy, you're wrong there. But it's how you use it, that can fulfill your life. Don't spoil yourself with it to the point you have no perception of what being spoilt is.

      Give the money you have so not only you just enjoy it. Buy your friends or family something that they won't forget, and look at the smile on their face. That'll make you happy.
      Aug 25, 2017
      Diggy, Vintage and Greg like this.