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  • Comments on Profile Post by Bananurz

    1. Chain
      Aug 23, 2017
    2. gabby
      like you have any idea of what happened
      Aug 23, 2017
      Chipemunk likes this.
    3. kinsey_kid
      What is your issue?
      Aug 23, 2017
      Chipemunk and gabby like this.
    4. Bananurz
      @Gabby maybe she messaged me or I messaged her? Ever thought of that?
      Aug 23, 2017
      Resign likes this.
    5. Bananurz
      Kinsey, don't ask me what the issue is when you obviously know. Mods live in fear of speaking out, including you. You are completely submissive and if things go wrong, you and no one else will speak up. Take Random as our test subject, how did that go over for her? This staff team is sad. We have minions only in it for a higher rank and people who are more inactive than the rock sitting outside the front of my house.
      Aug 23, 2017
      Resign likes this.
    6. Bananurz
      I don't care about Chipemunk or any other sycophant coming after me. People have unanimously accepted the server is dying to a point where threads talking about it are considered old news and not even worth the time. Smh.
      Aug 23, 2017
      Resign likes this.
    7. kinsey_kid
      Thank you very much but I don't live in fear of speaking out.
      Aug 23, 2017
    8. Bananurz
      You're telling me that if you needed to against Pile or Cyp, you would? That's almost comedic.
      Aug 23, 2017
    9. Greg
      This is so accurate omfg. And don't mind Gabby nana, she's legit a right hand.
      Aug 23, 2017
      Bananurz likes this.
    10. gabby
      that's one side of the story, do you expect that to be everything?
      Aug 23, 2017
    11. Greg
      u never fail to make me laugh gabby ngl
      Aug 23, 2017
    12. Bananurz
      Maxine hated me up until a couple days ago. Don't act like this is just because of her. It's a reoccurring theme every single time someone is unjustly treated here.
      Aug 23, 2017
      Greg likes this.
    13. ferras
      why does drama mostly go down in nana's profile

      Aug 23, 2017
      kinsey_kid, bare, PiLe and 1 other person like this.
    14. Greg
      It's everywhere what are you on lol.
      Aug 23, 2017
      Bananurz likes this.
    15. ferras
      not really.
      Aug 23, 2017
    16. Bananurz
      It is, stop being a brown noser Casual.
      Aug 23, 2017
    17. ferras
      nana, if you only knew what i was talking about.
      Aug 23, 2017
    18. WiiTarded
      sounds a lot like north korea to me
      Aug 24, 2017
      Bananurz and Greg like this.
    19. Maxine
      I mean the staff team was a mix of game of thrones and the Hunger games tbh, as much as I enjoyed being in the team. So. Yeah.
      Aug 24, 2017
      Bananurz and Greg like this.
    20. Resign
      Aug 24, 2017
    21. sircorgi
      this is so true that it's depressing
      Aug 25, 2017