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  • Comments on Profile Post by PiLe

    1. gabby
      omg wat
      Aug 9, 2017
    2. Nathan
      Praying for Koa :/
      Aug 9, 2017
    3. PiLe
      I woke up to find his spot on the couch covered with blood. So I took him to the vet. They ran some tests and he has some autoimmune issue. His red blood cell count is low and his platelets wouldn't even register on the scan. He's in a critical state at the moment.

      We go back in 3 days to check his platelet levels again.
      He's not eating. :CC
      Aug 9, 2017
    4. PiLe
      Basically he is bleeding uncontrollably mostly from his mouth and gums. Ingesting a ton of blood. And because his platelets are so low his blood won't clot so the bleeding won't stop.
      Aug 9, 2017
    5. gabby
      oh my god
      Aug 9, 2017
    6. bare
      oh my god no
      Aug 9, 2017
    7. ferras
      omg pile I hope your dog is gonna okay. try not to think of the current situation, just go take a nap or watch a movie. don't let the situation make life difficult for you right now.
      Aug 9, 2017
    8. clxrity
      #dikcsoutforkoa :(
      Aug 9, 2017
      bare likes this.
    9. Tigerz
      I'm sorry pile :(
      Aug 9, 2017
      PiLe likes this.
    10. Chipemunk
      I'm so sorry, I am here if you need to talk. It's so sad to hear. He will be in my thoughts and prayers. <3
      Aug 10, 2017
      gabby likes this.
    11. Paulgrunt01
      How is He Now
      Aug 10, 2017
    12. yehs
      I hope your dog recovers :(
      Aug 11, 2017