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  • Comments on Profile Post by Chain

    1. Chain
      Also suggesting that people play other game modes makes no sense; if a person needs a moderator they can find them using /staff. As long as the applicants know the basics about each game mode they are fine.
      Jul 26, 2017
    2. Candyyy
      I disagree, sorry. It does make sense actually. If they aren't familiar with the gamemodes they might not be able to help someone out. "Basics" doesn't always help.
      Jul 26, 2017
    3. Chain
      The "basics" were always enough for me to be able to answer players' questions on every game mode.
      Jul 27, 2017
    4. Candyyy
      Dude it's just my opinion.
      Jul 27, 2017
      baile y likes this.