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  • Comments on Profile Post by Paulgrunt01

    1. mattenphew
      I bet he is devastated now. You called him bad words and he's your enemy. Jesus. He may need a therapist.
      Jul 25, 2017
    2. Paulgrunt01
      Well I am Tired Of Asking Politely He Ignored Me i asked him
      More than 5
      Jul 25, 2017
    3. Paulgrunt01
      Ok I am Sorry about The selfish Part But is Rude and Lazy He Is Ruining Mineverse as We Speak He Removed Barriers and Removed The Way To create Heads With World Edit I Loved Creating My Friends Heads It Made Them Happy The 1.11 Update for Mineverse is Terrible He Ruined The Fun 800 Players Left Because of Him Remember when There was 1000 And More Now There is like 300 or Less
      Jul 25, 2017
    4. Paulgrunt01
      Yeah I might been a Little Too far I am Sorry I called You Those But its True A Lot of Players Say That
      Jul 25, 2017
    5. Paulgrunt01
      I have asked You 10 Times Nicely For Barriers To Be returned But I was Ignored What You Need to Learn is That Ignorance Isn't The Answer And When I noticed that Barriers were banned I Got Mad I Loved Barriers They kept My Plot core Safe and My Head Collection But Mostly My Plot You Broke My Heart when You Banned Them They Were Used as a Protection Source Not a Threat
      Jul 25, 2017
    6. Paulgrunt01
      The People That Said They Were being Used Wrong We're Liars They We're Griefers Ever hear of Those They Are What Makes Plots At risk of Being Griefed
      Jul 25, 2017
    7. Scorv
      Your enemy? How old are you, 7?
      Jul 25, 2017
    8. Alex
      You haven't been here long enough to understand that the owners are not going to read all of your messages and respond / do everything you ask them to.

      Stick to your suggestion threads and stop complaining.
      Jul 25, 2017
      BigDave and mattenphew like this.
    9. mattenphew
      Jul 25, 2017
    10. Itaaaaaa
      To address making heads in creative mode, there is a way using the /friends system, also, make a petition, stop complaining <3
      Jul 25, 2017