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  • Comments on Profile Post by Linux

    1. mattenphew
      you'll never get those ten months back
      Jul 24, 2017
    2. Kyaaaal
      When you act as if moderation actually stops you from doing stuff in your real-life. eks dee^
      Jul 28, 2017
    3. mattenphew
      Nah, I'm talking like. When your older are you gonna be proud that you spent nearly a year being staff on a 7 year olds game?
      Jul 28, 2017
    4. Kyaaaal
      And when you are older are you going to be proud of playing Minecraft for more than 24 hours, when you could've studied for an extra 24 hours instead?
      Jul 28, 2017
    5. mattenphew
      Jul 29, 2017
    6. Chain
      If he hadn't been playing Minecraft he would have been watching TV or doing something else, but that is all irrelevant anyway. He enjoyed himself and enjoyed what he was doing and that is all that matters. Most of us strive to be happy and to enjoy ourselves during the course of our lives and we all do it through different methods, for most of us on here it is partly through gaming.
      Jan 3, 2018
    7. Chain
      I'd sure as hell be proud to look back and say yeah, I had great fun when I was younger. I love playing Minecraft just as someone else would enjoy reading a book, playing sports, or watching TV and who are you to say that how I like to enjoy myself is invalid? If Linux can game and be happy, then fair play to him.
      Jan 3, 2018