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  • Comments on Profile Post by Masterenderwolf

    1. Ares_Xena
      This is amusing as well. An ignorant donkey logs onto the Mineverse forums to complain.
      Jul 13, 2017
    2. Masterenderwolf
      Your insult amuses me. Clearly I was just stating a fact and you come barging in all high and mighty and insult me. Good job mate, think first next time.
      Jul 13, 2017
    3. Ares_Xena
      I did think first. Should be obvious to you but seems that it isn't.
      Jul 13, 2017
    4. Masterenderwolf
      I stated a problem that many people not only myself were experiencing in hopes a mod could see to it as it was not seen to in game. Calling me an ignorant donkey though was unnecessary. I guess it makes you satisfied though, typical much.
      Jul 13, 2017
    5. Ares_Xena
      Adding more words to describe a problem does not make it any worse. You also guessed incorrectly.
      Jul 13, 2017
    6. Masterenderwolf
      I did what was necessary. A player crashing a game mode multiple times sure is a problem, just like the hackers on this server but that's a whole other conversation. And no not if I was being sarcastic to you.
      Jul 13, 2017
    7. Ares_Xena
      Adding more wor..oh wait I already replied with that. Guess it can be applied twice?
      Jul 13, 2017
    8. Masterenderwolf
      Oh lovely to see you can also apply sarcasm. Truly enlightens my empty soul.
      Jul 13, 2017
    9. Ares_Xena
      Sarcasm should always be applied.
      Jul 13, 2017
    10. Masterenderwolf
      Perhaps your insults could be more creative and less original?
      Jul 13, 2017
    11. Ares_Xena
      Didn't realize you were so fragile. Thanks for the advice, but I'll stick to my own choice of words.
      Jul 13, 2017