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  • Comments on Profile Post by ChloyyBear

    1. djryan
      I made a automated farm that makes the skelletons spawn in one area and kills them harvesting their skulls.
      I have spent z8 hours on it and im still not fully done slabbing the netherack ;-;
      Aug 15, 2014
    2. ChloyyBear
      I just farm an amazing fortress that is only discovered by me
      that sounds like a lot of work doe
      Also would you still pay me 2k on kitpvp if I was able to get you that beacon or have you had other thoughts of it?
      Aug 15, 2014
    3. djryan
      I would lower the price by a bit, now that i found this perfect base.....
      Msg me an offer.....
      Aug 15, 2014
    4. BubblyBab3
      I'm coming on survival (minechat)
      Aug 15, 2014