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  • Comments on Profile Post by DuckieDanger

    1. Scorv
      He's not a mod, he's a dev. Just wait for your report to be handled.
      Jul 4, 2017
    2. DuckieDanger
      Scorvix i would trust me but last one tuke them 6 housrs and the hacker all ready left
      Jul 4, 2017
    3. Scorv
      It doesn't matter if the hacker leaves. That doesn't stop them from being banned. Lmao.

      TRUST ME. I was a mod.
      Jul 4, 2017
    4. DuckieDanger
      yes it dose bc once they get everything they want they buy a unbannd and look thye have all the best stuff from everyone
      Jul 5, 2017
    5. Scorv
      You're not making any sense. Whether they get banned now or 12 hours from now does not affect the chance they will buy an unban. Most hackers have alts, and it's most likely the hacker you recorded is an alt.
      Jul 5, 2017
    6. DuckieDanger
      i don't think hacker will buy god ranks for their alts
      Jul 5, 2017
    7. Scorv
      I'm sure that isn't a popular choice, but there are lots of people on MV with dozens of high ranked alts. From, as you say, buying ranks for their alts, or hacking accounts, buying accounts, being given accounts from quitters/friends, the list goes on as there's probably more ways.

      I myself bought Premium for my alt.
      Jul 5, 2017
    8. matt
      can you fight somewhere else
      Jul 5, 2017