Maybe something bad is going on with her life? Don't assume the worst, okay? Whatever it is, don't be down okay? Be happy, and don't think too much about it.
Well, maybe you should give her a little break? Don't come off as desperate ya know? Just, like I said before, don't assume the worst. Things will be okay. And, this is going to sound corny, but their are a lot of other girls out there. Don't waste too much time just on one girl, when their could be other girls waiting for you. Just be strong, and be yourself.
...Thank you... we went out for a year but her mom didn't want her dating for Senior year so she had to break up with me :( For the entire year before that we were doing perfect together and I know that she can't be with me right now but it's just so difficult to move on knowing that she might still love me (I think she does D idk... just trying my best, thank you again.
Well, in my opinion the best thing to do is to ask her all of your questions. You will never truly know if she still loves you, or if she likes you. Communication is the best thing, and without communication, it goes downhill. And I know it's hard to move on, but just hold your head up high and just live your life. Eventually you will move on, it just takes time. Btw, it's no problem to talk, if you ever need anything, need someone to talk to, or anything im here.
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