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  • Comments on Profile Post by MCCD

    1. Redman333
      Okay 2 things. 1 Yes you can get top 5 because you're still ranked 2nd. 2: To avoid this vote exactly when it resets or as close as possible. Idk if it's a glitch or just someone mad and voting people off. ): (Also this hasn't happened all month so I thought it was fixed :/ )
      Jun 27, 2017
    2. Redman333
      Hope you get top 5 though since you're a fast voter :D
      Jun 27, 2017
    3. MCCD
      Thank you!! Good luck to you too as well! (Obviously you'll win lol)
      Jun 27, 2017
    4. Redman333
      Please vote exactly when it resets xD because it's either a glitch or some no life person voting people off. But you definitely are gonna get top 5 xD.
      Jun 27, 2017
    5. MCCD
      Ok :) Thank you for the advice
      Jun 27, 2017