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  • Comments on Profile Post by Redman333

    1. Ordi
      Sadly, that is the reality :(

      Whoever did it needs to be caught
      Jun 27, 2017
    2. Redman333
      Ikr like that's just horrible that someone would do that after everyone just spent a month voting. I was able to still vote because I did it exactly when it reset. Most people voted minutes after which meant whoever it was must have votes for them already. ):
      Jun 27, 2017
    3. Redman333
      But just because I voted before they could vote me off doesn't mean I am the one doing it ;-; I wish people would understand that ):
      Jun 27, 2017
    4. Scorv
      I used to vote people off who I disliked. Back when I cared about who won. ;P
      Jul 4, 2017
    5. Redman333
      I just got voted off lmao
      Jul 4, 2017
    6. Scorv
      There's an easy way to not get voted off. But it's a secret. ;)
      Jul 4, 2017
    7. Redman333
      Dude please me xD my way of voting exactly at 8 pm didn't work this time -_-
      Jul 4, 2017
    8. Redman333
      Or is it not being on the leaderboards xD
      Jul 4, 2017
    9. Ordi
      Vote later ^^^

      That's the secret.
      Jul 4, 2017
    10. Redman333
      But that's what I tried to do xD but previous winners are targeted -_-
      Jul 4, 2017